Thursday, February 21, 2013

Well that hurt

So I did my yoga exercise yesterday it works the core muscles and your back, let's just say I am severely out of shape. Every muscle in my body currently aches. Needless to say I did not exercise today. I did however get up at the butt crack of dawn so I could help cook 320 pancakes for the grandparents breakfast at my daughter's school. Now to say I didn't exercise would be unfair, I did move around a lot so maybe I didn't exercise in the true sense of the word however I am really tired.
Even now I am writing this blog while laying in a hot bath tub soaking my poor aching muscles. But I will prevail because tomorrow morning I will get up and I will make myself exercise again, and I may even eat something healthy for breakfast instead of girl scout cookies. So wish me luck and you may see me tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day One

So after spending another hour with my therapist I have agreed to start trying to be more positive in my life and to stop acting like a 50 year-old women. One of the many things I'm trying to change in my every day life is to be more active and get healthy. So I decided the best way to do that would be to post a blog. Now I bet your trying to figure out how starting a blog will help me get fit, easy. I need accountability, if I have someone I have to answer to I do better.  There's also a second reason I've decided to write a blog. I have had several people tell me I should try writing, apparently some people find me funny. I tend to say exactly what I'm thinking with out really thinking about what I'm saying, and that lends it's self to a hole bunch of problems. 

Ok so like I said I promised to get healthy so I'm giving my self a goal of losing 20lbs by July   1st and to do this I'm going to do yoga with the hopes that has I get more active I will add other things to my work out like walking or riding a bike

I used to go to the gym like everyday. Of course that was like 3 years ago but with that said I know I can does this I just have to do it. 

Other goals I'm working on: keeping my house clean and managing my time better. I guess we will just have to see how that goes. One step at a time right